Mothers’ Exchanges

Mothers’ Exchanges are personal initiatives on the part of some women who attend Charwick's programs. 

Women come together once a month to discuss the different aspects of raising strong families in the 21st century.

Along with growing in community, Mothers’ Exchanges give women the chance to speak with other women about parenting, homemaking, and creating a bright and cheerful home.

Interested? Meeting times align with girls’ clubs so your daughters can enjoy good friendships and learning too!

What mothers are saying

“Mother’s Exchange has helped me to grow in my faith, to strive to always put my husband and family first. I’ve learned that God is always around, in everything I do and have done. He’s always been there. My Mother’s Exchange family has taught me to see God in places I hadn’t realized before. I know I am loved and blessed.”

— Kristie K., Cupertino, CA

“As a new mother who found herself across the country from friends and family, Mother’s Exchange quickly became a place of refuge, a home away from home. In addition to providing opportunities for friendship and support, Mother’s Exchange also provided practical resources in the forms of books and speakers that challenged me to live out my vocation of motherhood with grace and virtue.”

— Seana D., Dallas, TX

“I am very grateful for being part of Mother’s Exchange. Mother’s Exchange meetings motivate me to read and go deeper into reading valuable books which I probably would not have found on my own. The meetings are intellectually stimulating and set my compass in the right direction — straight to the Lord. Thank you!”

— Joanna S., Stanford, CA

“Mother’s Exchange has been a blessing and helps me to embrace the challenges and the beauty of Motherhood. It continues to be a lantern for living my faith better, be a better wife, mother and friend. Thank you moms for making the Mother’s Exchange come alive! ”

— Montse V., San Jose, CA

“Being part of Mother’s Exchange group has helped me realize the importance of motherhood by sharing experiences and ideas with each other. Thank you, Montse and Christina.”

— Gissela B., Mountain View, CA